I've helped advertising agencies beat much larger competitors to win $500 million in new business.

I know how to win business. I can help you to start winning too.
I've led many different agency teams to more than $500 million in blue chip
new business wins... almost always against much larger, better known
competitors including many of the largest agencies in the country. To the left
are the logos of some of these victories. There are more (including B2B).
Having made or seen almost 200 new business presentations and responses to
RFPs, I not only know that 90% of these time-consuming (and costly) efforts don’t
work but also why they don't. Working with you and your team, I can help to
substantially improve your own efforts within 4-6 weeks.
My in-depth New Business Audit is the first step. It evaluates all elements of your
new business program and provides specific written recommendations for
improvements. Please contact me for pricing and details.
Don’t wait too long. You won’t start winning new business overnight.
Please don't kid yourself that you’ll start winning as soon as you decide to “get serious” about new business. You won’t.
It takes time to learn how to win. It can take up to a year to overcome inertia, recognize your mistakes, unlearn bad habits, create the right new business program for your agency, learn to execute it well, build enough awareness of and interest in your agency among the best prospects, get invited to the dance… and start winning.
To win new business (and then keep winning), you must do these five things well and relentlessly:
1. Strategically differentiate your agency on the basis of WHAT YOU KNOW (which is unique to you) and not what you
do (which is utterly generic).
2. Prospect among those marketers most likely to hire you for that knowledge. No one has the "Extensive list of C-suite
contacts" which I see so frequently in naïve postings for New Business Directors. There is no magic Rolodex.
3. Have a visually engaging, new business-friendly website that makes it easy for prospects to quickly find what they're
looking for. Ensure that your on-page text and title tags/page titles are written properly for SEO.
4. Learn how to create (and then deliver every single time) shorter, attention-grabbing and insight-rich presentations which are
always about THEM (not you) and are never just another excruciating application of Slow Death By PowerPoint.
5. Have the self-discipline to only let your best presenters into the room (no matter what the client might say)... and rehearse,
rehearse, rehearse every time.
If you consistently do all five of these things well, you will win high quality new business and keep winning. If you don't, you won't. I have the proven experience and ideas to show you how. Should we talk?
I've led many different agency teams to more than $500 million in blue chip
new business wins... almost always against much larger, better known
competitors including many of the largest agencies in the country. To the left
are the logos of some of these victories. There are more (including B2B).
Having made or seen almost 200 new business presentations and responses to
RFPs, I not only know that 90% of these time-consuming (and costly) efforts don’t
work but also why they don't. Working with you and your team, I can help to
substantially improve your own efforts within 4-6 weeks.
My in-depth New Business Audit is the first step. It evaluates all elements of your
new business program and provides specific written recommendations for
improvements. Please contact me for pricing and details.
Don’t wait too long. You won’t start winning new business overnight.
Please don't kid yourself that you’ll start winning as soon as you decide to “get serious” about new business. You won’t.
It takes time to learn how to win. It can take up to a year to overcome inertia, recognize your mistakes, unlearn bad habits, create the right new business program for your agency, learn to execute it well, build enough awareness of and interest in your agency among the best prospects, get invited to the dance… and start winning.
To win new business (and then keep winning), you must do these five things well and relentlessly:
1. Strategically differentiate your agency on the basis of WHAT YOU KNOW (which is unique to you) and not what you
do (which is utterly generic).
2. Prospect among those marketers most likely to hire you for that knowledge. No one has the "Extensive list of C-suite
contacts" which I see so frequently in naïve postings for New Business Directors. There is no magic Rolodex.
3. Have a visually engaging, new business-friendly website that makes it easy for prospects to quickly find what they're
looking for. Ensure that your on-page text and title tags/page titles are written properly for SEO.
4. Learn how to create (and then deliver every single time) shorter, attention-grabbing and insight-rich presentations which are
always about THEM (not you) and are never just another excruciating application of Slow Death By PowerPoint.
5. Have the self-discipline to only let your best presenters into the room (no matter what the client might say)... and rehearse,
rehearse, rehearse every time.
If you consistently do all five of these things well, you will win high quality new business and keep winning. If you don't, you won't. I have the proven experience and ideas to show you how. Should we talk?