welcome to agency problem solver.
Two-Time Agency CEO
How I'll Help
Surveys/Staff & Clients
New Business Audit
Winning New Business
Be Different
The 90-Day Agency Reboot
Stronger Websites & SEO
Agency Valuations
I'm a management consultant (and two-time advertising agency CEO) based in Northern California who will help you to better differentiate your agency, position your brand, win new business, increase profitability, have stronger (and longer lasting) client relationships and more.
I live in Tahoe City, CA - a 3 1/2 hour drive to San Francisco or a plane ride to you. I know from experience that long-distance relationships can be highly productive if you want them to be. In addition to phone, e-mail, Microsoft Teams and Zoom, I'll spend plenty of time in your offices (or wherever you may be working these days). Your time zone becomes mine.
I've been consulting full-time since 2008 with many different agencies (integrated/full-service, digital, customer experience/CX/UI, direct marketing, DR, media management) from California to New Hampshire... with from 200+ people to two.
If you feel that we'd be a good match, please contact me at any time (including weekends). I'd love to learn more about you, your agency, your goals and the challenges you're facing today.
for visiting www.agencyproblemsolver.com... and for your time and consideration. Have a terrific day.
All the best --
Mark D. Johnson
Cell: 702-610-1641
[email protected]
Mailing address: P.O. Box 7980, Tahoe City, CA 96145
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How can I help you today?
Two-Time Agency CEO
How I'll Help
Surveys/Staff & Clients
New Business Audit
Winning New Business
Be Different
The 90-Day Agency Reboot
Stronger Websites & SEO
Agency Valuations